Our Nursery


We want Cuddly Bear to be a second home for your child and for them to feel happy, confident and comfortable in our setting. Which is why we focus on making any transitions between nursery rooms and nursery and school as smooth as possible. Our highly trained educators ensure that transition meetings occur when children move rooms so new key workers have all the information needed to welcome your child into their new environment. We also have transition visits for parents so you are able to see your child’s new room and meet the educators.
Starting school is a big step for all children, which is why we are committed to helping your child become “school ready”. We are continuing to build our relationship with a local school in order to give the children the opportunities to explore the school environment before starting.
What children say:
Alex: I love playing with my friends outside on the scooters and painting inside.
Seraphina: I love drawing and making things with Carolina. We made a big robot from old boxes.
Settling in
Starting nursery can be an exciting time for your child and family as it is the start of a new journey for you all. We also understand that it can also be a very emotional time as everyone settles into their new routines and environments. This is why here at Cuddly Bear we want to make this transition as easy as possible for everybody involved.
What to expect:
After being offered a place at Cuddly Bear, staff will be in contact with you to plan dates and times for settling sessions and to discuss your children’s routines, dislikes, likes and interests.
Settling sessions will start short and will get longer as the week progresses. We always have full and open communication with families and there will be updates provided about how your child is settling.
Nobody knows your child like you do, so these settling sessions are a great opportunity for families to share information on other languages spoken, important family members and any other additional needs.