Register your interest
Please register your interest by completing the relevant form via the link below. We would love to show you around the nursery and answer any questions you may have. We arrange visits to each nursery on a termly basis and visits are usually held on Saturday mornings. We will contact you to book a nursery tour as bookings need to be made in advance.

Waiting list
After registering your interest parents can choose to join the waiting list before or after visiting the nursery. To join the waiting list, you will need to complete the waiting list form AND pay the NON-REFUNDABLE waiting list fee of £35 for each nursery. After you have completed the waiting list form you will be added to our waiting list of your chosen nursery.
We have a new intake of children 3 times a year – Sept, Jan, Easter and we try to offer places with as much notice as possible (normally within 4 months of the next intake). However, we might also be able to offer places at any time within the term if a family moves out of the area (for example) or a child reduces days. If that happens, we will contact the next person on the waiting list.
Offering places
Once a place is available, you will receive a call along with a formal written offer of which you will need to accept (or decline) in writing.
After you have accepted the place a deposit of a month’s fees will be needed and you will be asked to complete the registration forms. We will also arrange a settling period where we will offer gradual sessions before children start their full days.
If the place is declined it will be offered to the next family on the waiting list. It does not count against you if you want to remain on the waiting list. We will note any changes to your requirements, and you will be kept on our waiting list for the next intake.